We, the Management of the School, very much proud to welcome the Parents to get admitted their children in this School and also thank you very much for your confident and faith up on us.
A Parent's duty does not end once the child is admitted in School. In fact, in the present educational system, the joint efforts of both Parents and Teachers can only provide a bright future to the Children. Therefore, please do not hesitate to consult about your child either with the class teacher or the Principal or the Secretary of the School any time during the office hours.
Draw a time table for them for their daily routine, right from brushing their teeth in the morning, till they go to bed and see to it, that they follow the time table regularly. Set aside your time for them to play and to know the day's activities done in the school. Help them to complete their home work regularly and give them fresh and nutritious food every day.
Show your love and affection to your children and at the same time, be strict when necessary.
We, the Parents and Teachers, join hands to create a bright and prosperous future for our children.